{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% set filesWithErrors = project.files|filter(file => file.allErrors is not empty) %} {% block title %} {{ project.name }} » Compilation errors {% endblock %} {% block content %}


{% if filesWithErrors is not empty %}

Table of Contents

{% set errorCount = 0 %} {% for file in project.files|filter(file => file.allErrors is not empty) %} {% if file.allerrors.count > 0 %} {% endif %} {% set errorCount = errorCount + file.allerrors.count %} {% endfor %}
{{ file.path }} {{ file.allErrors.count }}
{% endif %} {% if errorCount <= 0 %}
No errors have been found in this project.
{% endif %} {% for file in filesWithErrors %}

{{ file.name }}

{% for error in file.allerrors %} {% endfor %}
Type Line Description
{{ error.severity }} {{ error.line }} {{ error.code|trans(error.context) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}